
Quantum Key Distribution will help to future-proof secure communication

Published on
January 25, 2024

Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is an established technology used for the secure distribution of secret keys, needed for data encryption. According to the laws of quantum physics, quantum properties at the scale of individual particles (for example, photons - particles of light) cannot be measured without being unavoidably and irrevocably disturbed from their original state.


This means that no interceptor, or hacker, can eavesdrop on quantum secured transmissions, or attempt to copy them, without their presence becoming known to the communicating parties. This disturbance is due to a principle known as quantum uncertainty and it is a fundamental feature of quantum physics. Quantum uncertainty underpins all current work in the field of quantum communications.


The two communicating parties use transmitted information to come up with random data, or keys, that only they know. QKD systems generate such shared secret keys, which can then be used for data encryption and other applications. The key generation, distribution and replenishment is underpinned by quantum uncertainty, therefore offering to any two communicating parties security based on the laws of quantum physics.



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